Archive for April, 2012

“Sunrise” Mylar Sun Print

Sunday, April 22nd, 2012

I’ve been rattling around an idea for a while, ever since I first pulled a print on mylar.

I have been using mylar to transfer my key block onto other blocks, since the mylar, due to being plastic, doesn’t absorb ink like paper. I can print on mylar, and then press the printed mylar onto another block, to transfer the ink.

What I noticed, however, is that the mylar is translucent, and color on the back side shines through to the front. Even more, this effect is more prominent when the mylar is lit from the back.

I’ve wanted to take advantage of this for a while, and with a long weekend available, I set to work.

I came up with this: It is called “Sunrise”, it is an 8″x6″ woodblock and linoleum block print, printed on both the front side and the back side of the mylar.

Sunrise Woodblock Print on Mylar

Sunrise Woodblock Print , 8x6, on Mylar - Hanging on a wall (left), Hanging in a window (right)

The both of the images above are the same print, in the same frame. On the left, the print is against a wall, without any back lighting. On the right, the print is hanging against my window, with the sunlight coming in through the window behind it.

I am pretty happy with how these turned out. What I like the most is that the image changes depending on how it is viewed, and how it is lit. My thoughts about using mylar turned out to be true!

I’ll have these up for sale soon. Since proper presentation is an important part of this print, I want to find the best way to mat and frame these prints before putting them up in the shop.

And yeah, I want to make more sun prints.

The Working Dead

Thursday, April 19th, 2012

It might be a bit telling that during a conference call yesterday, I doodled this in my daily planner.

The Working Dead Ink Drawing

The Working Dead Ink Drawing

During the meeting I did a quick pencil doodle, and inked it in during my lunch break.

Let’s back up.

Yesterday morning, my alarm went off at 6:30 am, like it always does. In my haze of half-sleep, my first thought was, “why is my alarm going off on Saturday?”

When I realized it was only Wednesday morning, I thought something might be a bit off. I’m been pretty burnt out with the Day Job, and realized I needed a few days away. I looked at my schedule, and realized I could take a couple days off, and so here I am, resting up, and having a “mental health” day, as my Dad would say.

Also gives me time to post again here, and work on a “proof of concept” for an idea I’ve had brewing.

Oh, hey! Now things are looking up!