Posts Tagged ‘Zombies’

The Working Dead

Thursday, April 19th, 2012

It might be a bit telling that during a conference call yesterday, I doodled this in my daily planner.

The Working Dead Ink Drawing

The Working Dead Ink Drawing

During the meeting I did a quick pencil doodle, and inked it in during my lunch break.

Let’s back up.

Yesterday morning, my alarm went off at 6:30 am, like it always does. In my haze of half-sleep, my first thought was, “why is my alarm going off on Saturday?”

When I realized it was only Wednesday morning, I thought something might be a bit off. I’m been pretty burnt out with the Day Job, and realized I needed a few days away. I looked at my schedule, and realized I could take a couple days off, and so here I am, resting up, and having a “mental health” day, as my Dad would say.

Also gives me time to post again here, and work on a “proof of concept” for an idea I’ve had brewing.

Oh, hey! Now things are looking up!