Posts Tagged ‘Stirfry Startups’

Going In Circles

Friday, March 20th, 2009

The shortest distance from point A to point B is a straight line:

Straight Line!

Straight Line!

The longest distance from point A to point B is a never-ending circle around point B:

Not so straight...

Not so straight...

Why do we end up going in circles around point B when we should go straight to it?

Let me explain.

Often time I find myself, and I see others, not moving straight forward toward their goal. We end up doing other stuff that makes us move laterally to our goal, without making any real progress.


  • Buying a workout book when our goal is to lose weight
  • Reading a blog about how to meet women instead of approaching a woman and meeting her
  • Tweaking the design of a website rather than creating a product to sell

I have been guilty of all of these at some point or another.

I see it a lot in the “dating advice” world, men do stuff to get “better with women” that has absolutely nothing to do with actually meeting a woman. If you are great with women, but you aren’t meeting any women, are you really great with women?

If you are planning out your diet, are you really losing weight? If you are building a commercial website, are you really making money?

I am in a group of like-minded entrepreneurs, but is what I am doing actually accomplishing anything? I have been spending most of my stirfry time (free time to work on my personal projects) on OTV.

I enjoy OTV, it feels good to do it, and I am learning about web design, syndication, podcasting, entertainment, and other things that could eventually be applied to projects that will make me money, but they aren’t right now.

From an entrepreneurial sense, I am moving no closer to point B from point A, though I am doing a whole lot of stuff. I am shuffling around, working on this and that, but am not any closer to point B in any way that matters.

Point B, by the way, is making enough money to thrive from active and passive internet sources.

I spent stirfry weekend focusing on website design, and have been spending what tiny amount of free time I have had since then (about 5 minutes) looking into this as well.

I am going in a circle.

I like design, it feels good to learn about design, and I would like to make money from design. Thus, I tell myself that this is a valuable thing to learn. The truth is, though, that if I ever do make money from design, I won’t be making money because of knowledge I have, but because I market and sell a skill I have.

Chances are I have other skills I could be selling to people RIGHT NOW.

I’m just not doing that.

It feels good to be doing something, and it is easy for me to tell myself that this thing I am doing is part of the bigger picture of getting from point A to point B.

But it’s not.

An orbit is not a straight line.

Incubation Recap

Wednesday, March 18th, 2009

Everyone pulls up everyone by the bootstraps.

That was a theme of the Stirfry Startup incubation last weekend.

Stirfry Start Ups is a group of like minded individuals working to develop various projects, web-based and not, as a vehicle for success. While our individual projects vary from building a collaborative work space, selling information on the internet, lifestyle commentary, a yoga business, comic books and podcasting, etc, we all seem to enjoy building something that is our own, and seeing where we can take it.

Rowena hosted this weekend at her beautiful place on the hill above Dolores Park. In attendence were myself, Rowena, Dave, Walter, Sarah, and Ben.

I worked on my OnlyTheValiant website for my Valiant Comics podcast. I recently scrapped the old site and reinstalled a new site, based on WordPress instead of Drupal, which is what the old site was built with. WordPress is now the only CMS I use for sites.

One of the most fun, and helpful, portions of the weekend was when we took turns in the “hotseat”, and put our website up on a big monitor for everybody to critique. Questions came up about what the intended use of the site is, how to design the site to facilitate that intended use, how to convey quickly what the site is about, and how to make sites more readable and present better.

I received a lot of comments on, and was able to create a pen and paper markup of how I want the site to look. If you look at the site now, it is functional and presentable. I got a lot of comments on how to emphasize what needs to be emphasized, and how to lay out the site to accomplish the goal for the website, which is to get people to listen and subscribe to the podcast.

I have a very clear idea of what changes will be made in the future, and in another week or two, I believe the site will be much better.

I also realized this weekend that I thoroughly enjoy thinking about, discussing, and implementing website design. It was as helpful and rewarding to offer advice and comments to others as it was to receive them.

This leads to the second major result of this weekend, the idea of the groupstrap. Stirfry startups is essentially a groupstrap idea. Instead of each of us pulling ourselves up by our boot straps, we pull each other up by each other’s bootstraps.

This is an interesting concept, and we saw this in practice over the weekend. Each of us has some relative expertise on something within the group, and we can share that with each other. In this way, each of us benefits from the abilities of each other, resulting in better ventures for all of us. It is mutual sharing, it is community as a service, and it works.

WordPress Structure

Friday, March 13th, 2009

This post has been moved over to the Journal at Bad Deacon Design.

*Click Here to see the post*