2010 Josef Leitz Riesling Eins Zwei Dry
Dry Riesling. Dryyyy….
I wanted to try a nice dry German Riesling. I settled for this.
It is a very acidic, minerally wine, a touch too acidic and bleah for my tastes. Maybe this dry of a Riesling isn’t for me, maybe I just need to buy better Rieslings. Maybe I (shudder) actually like sweeter Rieslings more than I like these dry ones.
That said, it has a neat label, with such a clever German pun. “eins zwei dry” indeed. I guess the are some nice things about this wine. If you want an acid bomb to burn out your gut, I guess it is pretty good! I’m not a fan of this, it’s just not what I’m looking for in a Riesling. I’ll have to move along, I guess.
Price: $17
Grade: C+
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