Justin Savant 2009
The more I drink this, the more I like it!
Of course, when I first took a sip, I thought it was kinda terrible, so it is now “better than terrible”. I’m drinking it now on the second night, and these notes reflect that. Last night, when I popped this open and poured a nice lil glass, this wine was like a spastic kid that decided to throw fruit, tannins and a big dose a heat in my mouth. as much as possible, while flipping out. Not much redeeming. Like drinking from a lake of fire, except the lake is made of weird plum and blackberry juice. Ugh.
Onward to tonight. Still lotsa fruit, a ton of vanilla oak (which I can actually, and my sense of smell is horrible), the tannins aren’t numbing my tongue like they were last night. Yet. Having a nice loafa bread and chunko cheese to go with this wine tonight might help. It is nice and thick and full bodied, and that certainly counts for something. At times it almost reminds me of a thick syrupy petite syrah. I feel like there is a lot “technically” good about this, but it just isn’t floating my boat.
I kinda wish I could have this same bottle after 5 years in the cellar to see how it compares to this. It might get really good.
Or maybe not. I give it a B. Or B-. I dunno. I wouldn’t buy it again, unless it was like 15 bucks.
I bought this last time I was driving home from my folk’s house in southern California. I stopped at a couple wineries, including Justin. Man, what a nice winery! If I had a date in Paso Robles, I would totally take her here. The winery seems a lot nicer than the wine is though.
Price: $45
Grade: B(-)
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Joel,Wonderful Job!!! Your video captured eevyrthing about Michelle and Bobby’s big day. It was like I was there again. Thank you for creating such a beautiful piece of history for our wonderful friends, Mich and Bob to forever enjoy!Emily Lawrence(AKA Miss L)PS- It was wonderful to see you and your sister!
I just finished wainthcg the trailer for Ashley and Kevin’s wedding and I’m astounded by the quality of work. I was one of the groomsmen at the wedding and I remember seeing Joel with the video camera, but I had no idea the end result would look this great. I will difinitely be looking Joel up when it comes time for my wedding.