2009 Dover Canyon Tre Noce
Wow. This is nice. Really nice. I should have bought more.
I stopped by Dover Canyon winery on my way home from SoCal several months ago. I found this place from a google search for “good Paso Robles wineries” or some such. This winery makes a whole lot of Zinfandels, and some other Rhone zarietals. I don’t really see Syrah/Zin blends, they said they figured they’d try it, since these are the two main varietals they grow.
This is 58% Syrah and 42% Zinfandel. I tend to likey likey the Syrahs and not so much on the zins, but this really works. The Zin fruit and the Syrah fruit mix together pretty well. It’s got some thick tannins, but not much of them. Kind of a nice thickness, but not too much of it. This is a nice thick wine, a solid mouthful, and the taste lingers in the mouth nicely.
I usually don’t like this much oak, but it works nicely with the other flavors. The oak is a nice vanilla/caramel mix. It is balanced nicely by the acid from the fruit.
I really like this wine!
When I was at the winery, they said there were three bottles left, and I bought two of them. I should have bought the third. I’ll be looking for the 2010.
Price: $36
Grade: A