Oak attack!!
As I try more wine, I find I can taste more and more components of various wines. I’ve been able to detect the oak in wines more and more, and then I had this wine.
I think someone dropped a vial of vanilla flavoring into this thing.
There’s plenty of red and black fruit (a little more black?). I opened this last night, and I’m drinking this after it has been out for a day. It is pretty smooth and balanced, and the tannins have mellowed out since yesterday. Not a whole lot of astringency in this tonight.
This is perfectly enjoyable, and perfectly drinkable, though I have had other California cabs that I prefer at this price point (like the Buehler cabernet).
This is better than it was last night, the fruit was a lot bigger last night, and the alcohol was a bit burnier (that’s a word, I’m sure). This is just… fine. Won’t be buying again. I’ll be trying a few others at this price point to find my twenny dolla cab.
Price: $20
Grade: B
Where can I buy this wine for $20 a bottle?
I bought this from K&L Wine (klwines.com)
I’m not sure if they still have the 2007, but they probably have the current vintage.