1997 Chateau d'Arche Sauternes
I tried this wine at K&L Wines a week or so ago at the Bordeaux Wine Tasting. This was my second try, the first bottle tasted off, bad, made me not feel quite right when I drank it. To K&L’s credit, they took the bottle back, and promptly gave me a replacement, no questions asked. That solidified me as a loyal customer right there.
This bottle tastes a lot more like the wine that IO tried at the tasting. Delicious. Fruity. Citrus. Tasty.
It is a desert wine, so, well, it’s sweet. That’s the first thing I notice. The fruit tastes a lot like pear, with a certain mustiness to it, but in a good way. The sweetness of the pear gives way to lemon and orange citrus, the sour citrus that washes away the thickness of the sweetness.
I don’t have any other Sauternes to compare this against, so it could be a terrible Sauternes, but it tastes great to me.
I had to drink this over several days, since it is pretty potent, sweet stuff. It isn’t any heavier alcohol than other wines, but it is thick and syrupy, not something to be drank casually.
I’m ready to try some other Sauternes to compare.
Price: $40
Grade: A-
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